The Team


Jolly was born in India and was introduced to Yoga in elementary school. Yoga was a way of life in India where apart from practicing asanas, there was a strong emphasis on the essence of yoga which is the integration of physical, emotional, and spiritual. In the past few decades, yoga has moved from relative anonymity in the West to a well-recognized practice practically offered everywhere. I clearly remember how I questioned the various aspects of this yoga practice in my mind for the first few weeks of being introduced to it. It appeared to be trendy and seemed far from any integration of emotional and spiritual. Boy was I proven wrong to my own self! I came in awe of this practice soon after I found answers to preliminary questions in my mind. My approach to this practice is spiritual and I watch my mind/ego more than I watch my postures in the mirror. I know for certain that I am creating the ‘calm’ in my life one breath at a time through this practice. I am on my yoga journey with my unique pace and feel that I learn equally on and off the podium, through master teachers and or from the yogis practicing at the studio. I am a self-proclaimed student at heart, a perpetual seeker of knowledge, a yogi forever. I bond with every yogi by standing next to them and practicing. Next time you are in the studio and you see me in the room I invite you to lay your mat next to me. Our sweat will create a bond. Smile at me and I promise I will smile back at you.



Faith Scarfarotti began practicing hatha yoga in 1999. She has had many teachers help guide her, including Bikram Choudhury. She graduated from Bikram’s Yoga College of India in Los Angeles, CA in November 2002. Faith loved the 9-week training with Bikram. She found Bikram to be so lively and funny, but also very challenging, to the point of helping her heal her neck after a car accident. She has also completed 175 hours of Amrit Yoga Teacher Training from Ananda Narayana School of Healing in 2001 as well as 300 hours of Level 2 Integrated Yoga Teacher Training from The Sanctuary of Universal Light in April 2004, both with Surkha Donna Ireland in Meredith, New Hampshire. In 2006, Faith also attended a monthly-long Forrest Yoga Teacher Training with Ana Forrest in Boston, Massachusetts. Most recently in March 2023, Faith completed a 200-hour vinyasa yoga teacher training in Denver, CO, reviving her confidence to help others also on their yoga journey. Faith is a registered yoga teacher with the Yoga Alliance.


Sarah started practicing Bikram yoga in 2009 and was instantly hooked. She loved the heat, she loved how physically and mentally challenging class was, and she liked the consistency of the 26 and 2 sequence. She found the predictability allowed her to go into a meditative state where she wasn’t in her head trying to figure out what came next, but instead being present and letting the teacher’s words guide her in and out of postures that were ingrained in her mind and body. She went to teacher training in San Diego in the fall of 2010 and started teaching as soon as she got back home. Teaching is challenging and fulfilling, much like a regular yoga practice, and gives her incredible life purpose. She love sharing her passion for yoga with the students and getting to inspire and be inspired by the yogis who take her class. In addition to Bikram yoga, her other passions include pole fitness, hiking, travelling, seeing live music, and spending quality time with her partner and our two cats! Meet her in the hot room.